As business leaders, we constantly are asked, “How do we evaluate the use of the system? How do we evaluate the effectiveness in conveying and sharing information, in engaging our teams in the process?”
Well, here’s what we’ve implemented to help support that. Not only do we have a dashboard so you can track the reports, track the activity of your team around the system. But more importantly, we have the opportunity to expose where there are gaps in the search process.
Not only is Klone focused on helping engage the workforce, the broader user community that you’re supporting, but also as leaders and managers of your organization, you need to be able to track how people are interacting with the content, the knowledge that’s built into the system. That knowledge is designed to reinforce strategy. If we’re not integrating and using that information in a way to drive better performance, then we’re not going to achieve the outcomes that you’re looking for.
So, we have a couple of solutions and features that we’ve integrated into the system to help you support that.
Number one, we actually run reports that help us identify where there are gaps in how people look at data. So if your team looks for a certain topic over and over and over and it’s not present, our system will tell you that that gap exists, giving you the opportunity and your subject matter experts to close the content up with the right knowledge, the right practices to help make it easier for them to see that.
The second piece of this and I think equally important is that when you see a topic is searched over and over and over and you find that the team is looking for that, that probably signifies that we have an opportunity to do more training.
Our system will give you that information. It will share that data so that you can then go act and enable changes around that result.