KLONE® is a Software & Services Company.
KLONE extends your vision, promotes transparency, enables coaching / mentorship, and consistently reinforces company policies. KLONE helps protect an owner, employees, and company from liabilities, by documenting SOP, policies, employee manuals, and business rules, which are shared with employees, partners, contractors, or other team members within your business community.
Most successful business people have often stated at one point or another in their careers:
“If I can just clone myself, or clone my key employees, I wouldn’t have to worry about hiring and training new staff all the time and potentially have less problems to solve.”
Or maybe you have thought:
”I can’t finish or focus on my critical activities because I am always being pulled by my team to answer important questions.”
KLONE helps with that, and it’s designed against real life experiences managing and developing people, and optimizing your team’s best performance.
We are dedicated to improving and replicating top performance across your business and your teams.

Disseminate mission-critical knowledge to those who need it, when they need it.
At KLONE, we pride ourselves not only on award-winning technology, but also on the talent of our people. The company is thriving under the guidance and leadership of some of the brightest minds and most experienced executives in business.

Knowledge is power
But only if your employees know how to access it.
Most businesses have created voluminous amounts of content documenting the practices and procedures of the organization. This content provides a wealth of knowledge regarding everything from best practices to basic FAQ’s. However, the information is kept in disparate locations, in different formats, and may be challenging for an employee to navigate and wade through.
On any given day, managers or department heads stop what they are doing to answer repetitive questions – severely impacting efficiency and productivity. While the answers to these questions are documented and available, employees get frustrated wading through documents to find the exact answer they need.
KLONE allows management to identify those topics which require more attention and training based upon the frequency of queries. It also allows training modules to be accessible and available to the team, 24 x 7.
How Can We Help?
Give employees constant access to best practices, situational responses, and answers to questions, and your employees will more consistently reinforce company policies.