Help Employees Quickly & Easily Access Policies & Procedures
KLONE organizes your company’s key information into a user-friendly digital system to help HR leaders save time, resources, and frustration.
Communicating updates and changes to your employees, partners, and contractors become instantaneous and readily available 24/7. At any time, leaders can email or share changes or specific policies without forcing their employees to sift through entire manuals.
Once the company’s documents are converted or uploaded into KLONE, your workforce has full digital access to pertinent information, best practices, policies, and procedures. The number of basic and frequently asked questions is reduced.
Employees have constant access to best practices, situational responses, questions and answers at their convenience. Employees who have consistent information also answer and reinforce company policies to their coworkers.
KLONE automates SOP, policy manuals, employee manuals, and operating playbooks, enabling your workforce to quickly access all information through simple questions and answers or keyword searches. This process happens in real-time, providing rapid access for employees. KLONE….
- Saves time and money
- Reduces employee frustration
- Increases productivity and development of team members
- Reinforces proper understanding & execution of policies and procedures
- Drives consistency and standardization
KLONE is easy to implement and helps HR Leaders successfully equip and enable the workforce, while leveraging all previous investments in content development.

How Can We Help?
Give employees constant access to best practices, situational responses, and answers to questions, and your employees will more consistently reinforce company policies.