Have you ever heard this term Quiet Quitting? Meaning, it’s everywhere. It can be quiet quitting, the great resignation, the great reset. And more recently, I’ve heard this term, the great reshuffle.

Hi, I’m Craig North, Founder of KLONE. These phrases, whether it’s quiet quitting, the great resignation, the great reset, the great resentful, all of that, it doesn’t really matter. But what’s clear to us is that it’s a name, it’s a label attributed to this fact, people aren’t feeling connected. They’re not coached, they’re not mentored, they’re not developed, and they don’t have the right access to information that’s going to help them perform consistently.

It’s not an issue of losing people, because they’re no longer interested in the organization, how is the organization embracing them, whether they’re remote or in-house to support and develop their skill set, to upskill them, more importantly, to reinforce their learning and the flow of work.

KLONE is the solution to help bring the information and the resources together to engage your employees, your workforce in a way that makes them feel a part of the process, therefore, improving their performance.

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