Enhance Culture & Performance.
Existing knowledge is usually stored in different formats: manuals, how-to-guides, PDF files, documents, physical binders, etc.. But how do employees access this information when it’s needed most, and how do you share the information that’s been growing within your organization?
KLONE has many customized AI processes which extract text and information from different electronic and physical formats. Doing extraction manually is usually the reason most companies do not attempt to do any knowledge gathering on their own, and continue to put off the need until it becomes too great. KLONE assists clients in gathering that knowledge and ingesting it into KLONE for easy access.
Between our experience and our AI technology, we can extract and make knowledge operational in a fraction of the time companies can do it on their own.
KLONE amasses all of your company’s mission-critical documentation and arranges it into easily consumable “bites” of data that is easily accessible by every employee. The streamlines daily workflow, maximizes efficiency, facilitates training, and allows a company to provide a comprehensive knowledge set that guides and informs their team.
How do we do it?

Organizing materials for processing and applying our AI and ML protocols to content, documents, and reports, preparing it to be fully accessible.
Crack open documents looking for materials to enable a smart question and answer application and ensuring executive priorities are identified.
Enrich extracted questions & answers with local lingo, synonyms, and industry terminology searched by the workforce.
Upload content into the KLONE platform, test proper access, and assigning categories for content sorting.
How Can We Help?
Give employees constant access to best practices, situational responses, and answers to questions, and your employees will more consistently reinforce company policies.