The context within which business operates is rapidly changing.
Unprecedented environmental challenges such as climate change, a growing awareness of social inequalities and a global pandemic have accelerated a deeper understanding by stakeholders that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors affect value creation and the long-term success of an organization.
Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor and anti-corruption. Responsible businesses enact the same values and principles wherever they have a presence, and know that good practices in one area do not offset harm in another.
With KLONE, organizational leaders can gather, review, and access this information. This enables businesses to implement policies based on real data that will increase productivity, improve company culture, and ultimately, create organizational growth.
A stronger external-value proposition can enable companies to achieve greater strategic freedom, easing regulatory pressure. In fact, in case after case across sectors and geographies, we’ve seen that strength in ESG helps reduce companies’ risk of adverse government action.

Let’s Create Your ESG Playbook
The ESG playbook is a practical and essential guide for leaders of any organization that invests in, delivers or manages built environment assets and services. It is your blueprint for building winning business strategies, mitigating reputation risks and capturing lasting value.