Build. Launch. Grow.
KLONE integrates or injects knowledge into other applications that your team already utilizes, becoming the hub of knowledge for your company. That knowledge should be inserted into the middle of your employees’ workflow.
KLONE can easily integrate knowledge into your other applications utilizing KLONE’s API capabilities. Integrate how-to’s or explanations right into the screens employees use. More than help text, KLONE provides context, references, and knowledge to help employees be more accurate and efficient.
Executives and managers use KLONE analytics to see trends in knowledge needs. Understanding where gaps in training exist or perhaps simply a need for more training is identified as this might have an impact on performance. KLONE Analytics shows the value of KLONE and its infusion into the organization’s culture.
KLONE integrates specific analytics to support performance metrics or simply pushes content to third party dashboards. Either way, KLONE informs client leaders where to reinforce or make specific business decisions through its analytics capabilities.

How Can We Help?
Give employees constant access to best practices, situational responses, and answers to questions, and your employees will more consistently reinforce company policies.