Achieve Optimal Results
Best practices are proven, tested, and tried guidelines that lead to achieving optimal results. It’s crucial to your organization’s success that employees are trained how to execute tasks correctly, understand why adhering to policies and procedures reduces risks and improves operational performance.
Most businesses have extensive binders that contain their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), company policies, and employee manuals. KLONE ingests this material and provides search tools to easily locate the information required. Best Practices are retrieved in KLONE by submitting a key word to search, a question, or selecting a frequently asked question.
HR information, company policies, employee manuals, safety guidelines, and benefit summaries are immediately accessible to all employees. Team leaders (1st line coaches) can consult policies, coaching guides, business rules, and/or legal explanations prior to making affirmative coaching actions with their employees.
Providing the right tools to team leaders empowers them to feel accountable and capable, resulting in a more pleasant and productive workplace and helps to increase employee satisfaction. Giving authority to make decisions is certainly one way to help motivate your employees; however, failing to provide decision making guidelines erodes any efforts to create a culture of empowerment.

How Can We Help?
Give employees constant access to best practices, situational responses, and answers to questions, and your employees will more consistently reinforce company policies.